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Beg your pardon but considering the over-population of the world and the dire need for applied eugenics there is a need for the existence of vampires in today's world.

They have NEVER existed. The stories of vampires comes from the dusty past where people didn't understand medical conditions and death. People were often buried alive when they were thought to be dead. This happened so much up through the 1800's that speical tombs and coffins were made with bells so if a person was buried and woke they could be dug up again by ringing the bell. This is where the quote stems from " For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee" began.

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Q: Why shouldn't vampires exist in today's world?
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Since vampires exist entirely in the world of fantasy, a vampire can only exist in the mind of someone who lives in the fantasy world.

Is there scientific proof that vampires exist?

No, there is no scientific evidence that vampires exist. Vampires are a mythological creature that appears in folklore and fiction, but they have not been proven to exist in the real world.

Where is vampires in whole world?

they dont exist,

Did vampires exist in the world or not?

Yes and they still do

Can anyone help me name a city that has to do with vampires?

Vampires can exist in any city in the world -- that is, if you believe in vampires!

Do vampires exist in this world yes or no?

Vampire bats? Yes. Human vampires? Definitely NO.

Do vampires really exist in your world if yes then where can you find them?

I live in India and I'm reading many books about vampires. I think they really exist.

How many vampires are in the world?

Real vampires - zero (0) Imaginary vampires - all the rest. Vampires are not real, they do not exist, they are creatures of fiction and folklore.

Do werewolves and vampires exist in real world?

Most definitely.

How can vampires exist when every one in this world is mortal?

They are not real.

Where do vampires exist in the world?

Mostly in transylvania and italy, but a fair amount of illegally immigrated and imported vampires exist in cloudy, damp areas of the u.s. Dually, an un-evolved, separate relative of the vampire, commonly mistaken for "bigfoot" or "the yeti" exist on the more mountainous regions of the world.

What should you use for protection against vampires?

Except as a rare mental illness that is more properly a fixation on blood, Vampires do not exist in the real world. Vampire Bats exist- but only in South America.