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because if you worship him then i guess you'll have a good afterlife. after all, he is the god of the underworld and the lord of the dead! ;)

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Q: Why should people honor or worship hades?
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People do not worship siants as worship ir reserved for God alone. We honor, or venerate, the saints.

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Worship is reserved for God alone. We do not worship saint, we honor them,

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In Christianity, worship is not something you do it is a lifestyle. So any person whether young or old, who participates in worship as a Christian would use their life, actions, and motivations to honor God. In reference to praise and worship, some performing arts such as singing or dancing are used to honor and magnify God.

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In ancient times there were hymns and funeral rites of the dead where he was invoked, he also had temples in ancient Greece.

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No churches worship saints. We worship God alone. We honor, or venerate the saints.

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Worship, deify, honor,

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Why do they honor Zeus during the olympics?

so they can worship