otherwise the person will not get correct info. Things could get really messed up!!! Medical records inaccurate can be dangerous. you take one medicene, inaccurate record dose not have it. Doctor gives you medicine and it messes with your other medicine the record does not have and can make you sick!
file maintenance
Project archives
If scientists are to be able to draw meaningful conclusions from their experiments, they must have accurate records. If you do not know exactly what happened, you will not be able to figure out exactly what it means.
It is essential to create and organize records continuously, and not leave them until the end of a month or quarter to do this. Doing small amounts regularly will allow the operator to take their time and carefully create accurate, legible records.
By having complete and accurate records.
Scientists must keep accurate records to ensure the reproducibility and validity of their work. Accurate records allow others to verify their findings and build upon their research. It also helps prevent errors and biases in data collection and analysis.
30 years
why is it necessary to keep accurate health and safety records in the workplace
Medical records may be audited: To ensure that patient records are accurate To demonstrate accurate coding and billing To demonstrate accurate reporting of Meaningful Use or quality measures
One way to keep accurate records of one to one communication is by recording the conversation. Recording the conversation is great when you have to be accurate.
If you were an enrolled student the records must be kept forever. Even when a school closes, the records must be maintained either at another institution or the state.If you were an enrolled student the records must be kept forever. Even when a school closes, the records must be maintained either at another institution or the state.If you were an enrolled student the records must be kept forever. Even when a school closes, the records must be maintained either at another institution or the state.If you were an enrolled student the records must be kept forever. Even when a school closes, the records must be maintained either at another institution or the state.If you were an enrolled student the records must be kept forever. Even when a school closes, the records must be maintained either at another institution or the state.If you were an enrolled student the records must be kept forever. Even when a school closes, the records must be maintained either at another institution or the state.