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Q: Why is theLoch Ness important?
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Is the Loch Ness monster important to Washington state?

The Loch Ness Monster is only allegedly found in Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It has no ties or importance to Washington State

What is the suffix in the word darkness is?

The suffix in the word darkness is -ness.

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Eddie Ness's birth name is Edward Erle Ness.

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Shawn Ness's birth name is Shawn Patrick Ness.

What nicknames does Shawn Ness go by?

Shawn Ness goes by Shawn "The X-treem" Ness.

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Mike Ness's birth name is Michael James Ness.

Is there a Loch Ness monster in Mexico?

No, there is no Loch Ness monsters in Mexico. The Loch Ness monsters is located in Scotland, in the Lake it is named for, Loch Ness.

How to form a noun in suffixes?

To form a noun from a base word using suffixes, you can add suffixes like -ness, -ity, -ment, -tion, or -ness to the base word. For example, "happy" becomes "happiness" with the addition of the -ness suffix. It's important to consider the meaning and function of the different suffixes when forming nouns.

Where is the loch ness monster from?

If Nessie exists then as Nessie is a short name for 'The Loch Ness Monster' you would allegedly find it living in Loch Ness.

Why is Moses important in Buddhism?

Moses is important in JUDAISM, not Buddhism. Moses plays no part in Buddhism and his moral perspective is one that generally deals with creating a better society in this world than the Buddhist perspective, which is primarily about realizing and accepting the broken-ness and unsatisfactory-ness of this world.

Where was the first sighting of the Loch Ness Monster?

Loch Ness, ScotlandAt Loch Ness by St. Colombus

Where is the Loch Ness monster seen?

Loch Ness