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It is bad luck to break a mirror. There is no not bad luck in breaking a mirror.

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Q: Why is it not bad luck to break a mirror?
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No, you have to break it for bad luck.

Why will you have a bad luck for 7 years if you break a mirror?


How many bad luck if you break a mirror?

I have always heard 7 years bad luck.

Is it true that when you break a mirror you have bad luck for seven years?


How do you Get Rid of the Bad Luck if You Break a Mirror?

There is no "bad luck" and the superstition of a mirror breaking bringing bad luck comes from the middle ages. So, don't worry about it you haven't gotten bad luck. All of us make our own luck.

What happens when you break off some ones mirror?

bad luck

What do you do if you break a mirror on Friday the 13Th?

Well supposedly if you break a mirror its 7 years of bad luck. I broke a mirror on Friday the 13th one day too but so far no bad luck except that i got cut by the glass!

Why you break a mirror you will have bad luck?

because if you break one they say it's like you broke your future.....

If you brack a mirror is it bad luck?

Yes. It is believed that if you break a mirror (whether the mirror is big or small) you will have bad luck for seven years. Some people believe it and some don't. It definitely depends on the person.

Break a mirror 7 years bad luck?

Yes some people are superstitious and say that if you break a mirror it means that you will have 7 years of bad luck.It is up to you to decide if you believe this or not.

What if somebobody give you A mirror are bad luck or good luck?

It is neither except a gift with which you could use to look at yourself. However, to break a mirror in a house is seven years bad look on that household.

How do you counter bad luck from breaking a mirror?

You break 7 More Mirrors, but they cannot belong to you.