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The only possible answer I would have for this question is you might still have feelings for him because you might of made the wrong decision or you just need more time to deal with it. I was in a relationship for seven years with my ex fiancee. You might be asking "seven years, why are you guys married yet?" Well we weren't married yet because I wanted to focus on schooling so that we could have the income to first afford a wedding and second raise our children comfortably. We had had many arguments and argument driven break ups throughout the years but one thing we knew for sure is that we loved each other. We thought that this love would keep us together threw all our hardships. I know sounds corny right? But anyway I got accepted into college and we didn't know what this meant to our relationship exactly. There were talks of a break, a test, you name it we talked about it. The one thing he could not talk about thought was what if. What if it did not work? What if there are problems? How are we going to deal with these problems. I was well aware that there would be some problems. So, each semester is four months. I went to fall and spring semesters. We had arguments over the phone and I was the only one who drove 100 miles round trip to see him. I paid for all the gas and paid for everything we did together. I even gave him my cell and paid half of it so that we would be able to talk to each other and avoid the heavy long distance charges. I was completely wrong with the cell phone idea. He used so much texts (not to me) that the bill was outlandish. It got shut off and I'm still trying to catch up. He would also put all kinds of girls from work into the phone. I knew none of them. But he said and I believe that he was not cheating on me with these girls. So when the spring semester ended I could not help but having lingering feelings of ending the engagement. I tried to give him as much of a chance as I could. On my first day back I had noticed a bucket full of candy and said "Would of been nice to have that candy for finals week." He is like "do you have to complain about everything." This was not all the bickering that was going on. I was pushed to make a decision. I told him that I wanted to end the relation ship. I know that he was treating me wrong but the real reason I broke up with him is because he was not putting any energy into our relationship anymore. We slept in different rooms, never cuddled,he never visited, and never smiled in any of our pictures we took together. He also in the middle of my fall term told me that he was not sure if he wanted to marry me anymore. On top of the stress that I was already going through. Then he's like oh never mind. So the second I broke up with him it was over. He was as cold as ice to me. It was almost like he had broken up with me months ago and delt with it without my knowledge. He still has not shed one tear. We are still living together which is super awkward. I decided to spend a month at my sisters about four states away so I can try to deal with it. But it is still very hard. And he still has not shed one tear.

AnswerWell, It all depends on the WHY? if your "knocked up" then it probably is because you feel guilty and you didn't want your partner and to feel bad by messing up their life or hurting their chance's at something. Again it all depends on why. If your moving well then maybe your afraid that he;s going to leave you and never look back again or maybe your afraid of being "Cheated" on. Maybe at the time you thought it was for a good reason and everything BUT now that you are looking back on it it wasn't for your best interest. Maybe you just weren't ready to call it over.
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You are still having feelings for the ex after a year. This might be because you love him more than anything. You were deep into him and cannot come out now.

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Because he was part of life. People who are part of life, have a connection with us, that keeps reminding us of them.

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Q: Why do you still have feelings for your ex even though you broke up with them for a good reason?
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Of course. But it is uncommon. I still love all my ex girlfriends, but at the same time there is a reason for why I broke up with them. Many of my friends refuse to speak to their ex's because of the hurt or just because they genuinely have nothing to say. I am sorry if you are hurt and sad right now.

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well it determines who broke up with who if you broke up with him and he had deep feelings for you this means that he thought your relationship was forever if he broke up with you then that is quite awkward because he thought that he could do better than you. but the fact is that even though he thinks that he will regret it when he cant do better than you.

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if he or she always talk wid u giving a nonsense reason,its the time u get to knw he or she still loves u alot