

Best Answer

Well... It is said that if you dream of a person before they die they will live longer. They have done scientific tests and it has actually worked. The reason why you probably dream about them afterward is because you miss them OR you were talking about them before you went to bed:) :p

Another response:

There is no possible way science could test or prove the idea that dreaming of a person would cause them to live longer.

Everyone dreams about people they know or have known. Your mind has memories of all the people you have met, and those memories remain even after a person has died. So there is no mystery about why persons, living or dead, appear in your dreams. Those images rise from your memories, not from the people themselves or from any power outside your own mind.

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Q: Why do you dream of people before and after they die?
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What do you dream about before you die?

maybe, because this dream is before people die nobody has been able to come back from the dead and tell us about it!!!

Do you dream of death when you die in your sleep?

my son died of an overdose of xanax and methadone did he dream as he died of death i'm so sorry about your son!! and yes, you do dream of death before you die in real life, these dreams usually show bright lights, this is why people say ''stay away from the light''

What do most people dream about before dying?

Just about anything. Things that are on their mind, thoings that are bugging them, random things. Sometimes you dream about think you like that you didnt even know you like. Or if your stressed you may have stressful dreams, stuff like that.Dreams are a natural function of the subconscious mind, reflecting the dreamer's own emotions, memories and experiences.

What does it mean to dream that you are dying and die and see yuour grave before you die?

nothing pretty much its just a silly drem.

Do you think that the dream die?

Yes the dream die when are hope dies

Is it true you cant die in your dreams?

i dont think so It is not true that one cannot dream about dying. It is possible to dream anything the subconscious mind can imagine. It is NOT true that when people die in their sleep, it means that they had a dream of dying. Dreams do not cause death.

What does it mean when you dream of a man killing people and you wake up before you die?

The killers in the dream symbolize a problem or problems that you want to avoid. That is why you are running away from them in the dream. The solution is to confront and resolve the problem in real life.

Has someone died in a dream and and actually died in real life because of the dream?

No, dreams cannot cause anyone to die in real life. Think about it: if somebody DID die in his sleep because he was dreaming that he died, how would anyone know what the dead person had been dreaming? He could not have told his dream to anybody, because he would be dead! No, this belief is a superstition that developed as an explanation for people who died unexpectedly in their sleep. Before medical autopsies were available, people made up such stories to explain what they could not understand.

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People toot after they die to release gases that they were going to release before to get it out of their system.

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No, an awful lot of people will die before then.

When was Before the Dream Faded... created?

Before the Dream Faded... was created on 2005-10-25.

Why does Freddy never die?

technicly freddy does die in the dream world many times but he always disapears before hes dead and heals himself and comes back pissed!