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Maybe subconsciously you really do still like him. Some scientists say that dreams might be used to "clean up" excess thoughts in your mind, so to speak. In which case, it might be part of the process of getting him out of your mind completely. I'll admit, I'm no professional, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you are really concerned about this, ask a shrink or a psychologist. But most likely, this is just a periodic thing that'll blow over eventually.

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Depends on the nature of the dream. If it's a sexy dream, then they probably aren't really your EX-crush.

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YOU miss them. Your dreams express your own thoughts and feelings. They do not provide information on anyone else's feelings.

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Q: Why do you dream about an ex crush?
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What does it mean if you have a dream that both your ex and current crush is in?

It is not possible to provide a meaningful interpretation without some information about the content of the dream. Very generally, the dream reflects the dreamer's emotions about the ex and the current crush. It does not tell anything about the other persons' emotions.

What does it mean when you dream about your crush's face with your ex's body?

This dream only illustrates your own emotions and desires. You sleeping mind is associating the person to whom you are attracted now with the familiarity of your ex's physical presence. The dream does not reveal anybody's thoughts or longings other than your own.

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Ex: I have a crush on that new boy in school. Ex: I want to crush the kid next door for making me angry. Ex: Hey Elizabeth, did you crush the peanuts?

Why did you dream of your crush saying that?

You may have had a dream of your crush saying a certain thing because you have been thinking of your crush a lot. Or perhaps it is something you wish your crush would say in real life.

How do you know completely that you don't have a crush on your crush anymore?

think about your ex-crush in the nude, if that does do anything for you, the crush is dead.

What does it mean when your crush is in the whole dream?

It means that your overly obsessed with your crush.

Is your crush over their ex?

wow, didn't know they all liked the same person, but the answer would be no, my crush is not over their ex.

What does it mean when you dream of your crush winking at you?

The dream merely expresses your wish to have a special relationship with your crush, one in which the two of you could share the sort of intimate secrets suggested by a wink. The dream does not mean that your crush is thinking or dreaming about you.

What does it mean when your ex and crush talk to each other?

Two things: 1) Your ex would like to start a relationship with your crush, this is what happens in most cases or it could be theory 2. 2) The Ex would like to make friends with the person you have a crush on, the problem with this is the Ex could tell some lies that may push the "crush" away from you and closer to the Ex..

If you dream about your crush and it feels like he was right there by you what does it mean?

Assuming the asker would LIKE to sleep next to the crush, this is a wish-fulfillment dream, in which the subconscious mind provides the dreamer's desires in the safe context of sleep. The dream reflects the dreamer's feelings and provides no information about the crush's emotions or what/who the crush was thinking or dreaming.

What does it mean if you dream about a crush and that my crush has a wife and shes pregnant?

The dream suggests that the dreamer's own mind is pointing out that the "crush" is unavailable and that the dreamer needs to move her affection to a more receptive person.

What does it mean when you have a dream about your crush physically hurting you like a pinch?

It means that you are nervous about your crush.