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Saint Joseph is a carpenter, among other things he oversees houses. The spell goes that: if you bury a statue of St. Joseph upside down in your yard, and state outloud that you need your house to sell quickly, it will be so! Just don't forget to dig him up and take him with you once it sells.

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It is done but verges on superstition. You would do much better to pray a novena to Saint Joseph and ask his intervention.

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Q: Why do you bury Saint Joseph statue in your yard to help sell your house?
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What saint do you bury to sell your house?

St. Joseph statue. It is buried upside down, facing the property.

When you go to a new house do you bury a Saint Joseph statue in your yard?

Some people bury a statue of St. Joseph in their yard to help them sell a house. However, the family would be better off to pray a novena to Saint Joseph as the above practice verges on superstition.

What saint statue do you bury in your yard to help sell your home?

Saint Joseph.

Who is the saint you bury for real estate?

Some people will bury a small statue of St. Joseph in the yard to sell a house. This is superstition. One would have much better results by praying a novena to Saint Joseph.

How do you bury the Saint Joseph statue?

Traditionally, to bury a Saint Joseph statue for selling a home, dig a hole near your "For Sale" sign, place the statue upside-down facing the house, and cover it with soil. After your house sells, remember to dig it up and place it in a position of honor in your new home.

How do you bury a statue of Saint Joseph?

To bury a statue of Saint Joseph for luck in selling a home, dig a hole near the "For Sale" sign, place the statue head down facing the property, say a prayer, fill the hole, and thank Saint Joseph. It's a tradition believed to bring blessings and good fortune in selling a property.

What saint do you bury to buy house?

To purchase or sell a house you bury a staue of St. Joseph up side down in the yard.

Who is the patron saint of real estate sales?

If your looking to sell bury Saint Joseph's statue upside down in your yard facing the houseSt. Joseph is the unofficial patron. Some people have been known to bury a small statue of Joseph in their yard until a sale is made.

What is the name of the saint to sell a house?

St Joseph allegedly helps to sell a house if a statue of him is buried in it's garden.Roman Catholic AnswerThe Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practices when describing intercession to St. Joseph in the help of selling one's house: An old, if bizarre, custom regarding St. Joseph is still popular today in the United States. It involves burying a state of St. Joseph in order to sell a piece of property. . . . Perhaps St. Joseph's role in selling real estate arose from his being patron saint of carpenters, but the exact origin of this custom is clouded in history. Although the custom seems to border on superstition, many persons with true devotion to the saint have acted in good faith to request his aid. Please note that it says "persons with true devotion to . . . Saint [Joseph]. For anyone without a prior devotion to St. Joseph to start burying statues of Our Blessed Lord's foster father in the yard is practicing superstition which is a sin.

What kind of results do you get when you bury a Virgin Mary figurine in the dirt to sell a house?

That is pure superstition. You would get better results saying the rosary daily until the house is sold. The same goes for a statue of St. Joseph.

What is the good luck charm for selling property?

the St. Joseph statue. You can buy it online or at a christian catholic bookstore and follow the directions inside. Im getting ready to go bury mine as we speak. i also heard line the perimeter of your property with salt but millions of people have raved about St. Joseph and I mean the statue represents a St. You can never go wrong with a Saint on your side.

What saint helps to sell your home?

Saint Joseph is traditionally associated with helping to sell homes. It is a common practice for those looking to sell their home to bury a statue of Saint Joseph in their yard as a symbol of their faith and intention. Many believers pray to Saint Joseph for assistance in selling their home quickly.