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Q: Why do some vampires have red eyes and some have golden eyes?
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Why are other vampire's eyes red and the Cullens' eyes are topaz in Twilight?

In the Twilight series, vampires' eye color changes depending on their feeding habits. Vampires who drink human blood have red eyes, while those who only feed on animals have gold or topaz eyes. The Cullens choose to abstain from human blood, which is why their eyes appear topaz in color.

How come The Volturi have red eyes but they are not newborns?

The Volturi have red eyes because they choose to drink human blood, despite not being newborn vampires. Their diet of human blood results in their eyes remaining red, rather than transitioning to a golden hue like vampires who feed on animal blood.

In twilight what color are Edward's eyes before he changes?

Edwards eyes are not red, they are golden. Whenever a "vegetarian" vampire is full, their eyes are golden. The vampires that drink human blood have red eyes when they're full. All vampire's eyes go black when they're hungry.

Why does edward say his eyes change colour to Bella?

When he is thirsty for blood, his eyes turn from gold to black. When vampires drink human blood their eyes are red, and when they start to turn amber afte a couple months, and eventually turn to gold.

What are the traits of a elemental vampires?

Pale, red eyes, red lips, and very skinny

What color is vampires eyes?

The have golden or yellow eyes. Vampires that feed of human blood have red eyes but some vampires in Buffy The Vampire Slayer have yellow eyes. It's really subject to opinion and preference as traits change between artists, writers, and creative minds.

Are vampires bad or good?

in the twilight saga books.. a few vampires who have golden eyes are good.. they feed oly on animal blood..where as there are othrz who survive on the human blood u can differentiate them with ter red color eyez..!! to kno more abt vampires either watch or read twilight series.

How do you get wing guards in Vampire Wars?

because vampires are creatures of the night and need wings to fly and search for food like Bat's are part vampire/bat. Its the way of the vampire world of different clans of vampires with golden ,red, black,or silver eyes

If twilight vampires drank vampire blood what color would their eyes be?

Twilight vampires have golden eyes when they hunt animals and red eyes when they drink human blood. If they were to drink vampire blood, it is likely that their eyes would stay red, as vampire blood is usually associated with a darker color.

Do vampires have brown eyes?

Vampires, being fictional creatures, can have any eye color that the author or creator decides. There is no definitive rule stating that vampires must have brown eyes. Eye color can vary based on the individual portrayal of the vampire in different works of fiction.

What is the color of vampires who feast on human blood?

Red! Any vampire that feasts on human blood has red eyes!

How do they make the eyes red on the evil vampires in New Moon?

They wear contact lenses.