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because it is god made rule

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Q: Why do people believe in caste system?
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Do Sikhs want the caste system?

Sikhism does not want the caste system. They are different from Hindus. They do not believe in the caste system. They believe that everybody is created equal.

If you believe in a caste system what are you called?

There are a few different beliefs that believe in the caste system. one of them is Hinduism.

Did Hinduism believe in the caste system?

Yes they did the Caste System is a complex form of social organization that began to take shape after the Indo-Aryan migration

How did Hindu belief supports the caste system?

Hindu beliefs about rebirth and karma are tied to the caste system. The Hindu people believe that a persons caste is a result of karma and that deeds in past lives are responsible for ones current position (in the caste).

Has the Caste system completely disappeared from Indian society?

No , Many people still believe and use the caste system even though it has been officially abolished by the Indian government

Why did gupta kings believe the caste system o be an important part of Indian sosiety?

There is no reason to think that Gupta kings did not believe in caste system. They were hindus, and caste system was a part of the Hindu social structure.

How many people live in India with caste system and without caste system?

It is the religion of Hinduism that uses the caste system

How does the caste system relate to Hindu spiritual life?

Caste system was made to keep people organised. People were forced to believe that if you do bad karma you will take birth in untouchables house and no one will respect you. This prevented the social order.

Do Indians believe a caste system is better than a class system?


What religion believes in a caste system and has a writings called Vedas?

Hinduism believes in a caste system and has sacred texts called the Vedas. The caste system is a traditional social hierarchy that categorizes people into different groups based on their birth, which is outlined in the Vedas.

Are people with kalsi surname schedule caste?

i believe kalsi is from the ramghuria caste??

Why did the Gupta kings believe the caste system to be an important part of Indian society?

They thought they were "organizing" the civilazation by lableing people