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sometimes they like a person so they start stalking that person and the jinn will even try to scare that person but being brave is the solution also rememberance of Allah and praying

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Q: Why do jinns like to possess humans?
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Are gosts alive?

Ghosts are not true but there are Jinns which are similar to Ghosts, Jinns are like humans but they are invisible. Some people can see Jinns and jinns can see us. They are very similar to Humans, they eat, drink, sleep and even get married.

What are jinns made of?

In Islamic theology, jinns are believed to be made of smokeless fire. They are supernatural beings that are capable of free will, similar to humans, and are mentioned in the Quran. Jinns can be good or evil and exist in a parallel world to humans.

Will jinns go to heaven?

jinns like us some will to heaven or paradise and some will go to hell there is difference between jinns and iblys "Satan "

What do jinns look like?

In Islamic tradition, jinns are believed to be supernatural beings that can take various forms, including that of humans, animals, or even objects. They are said to be made of smokeless fire and are not visible to humans in their true form. Their appearance is often described as shape-shifting and mysterious.

Do Hindu's worship jinns?

yes, because in actual world there can never be such things they worship. also as we know jinns can take various forms ranging from humans to animals and that also is one of the property of their gods.

Can Jinns grant wishes?

In Islamic belief, jinns (also known as genies) are considered separate entities with their own free will. They are not believed to have the power to grant wishes. However, legends and folklore in various cultures often depict jinns as having the ability to grant wishes. These depictions are not based on Islamic teachings, but rather on cultural interpretations and superstitions.

What kind of animals show empathy?

Animals capable of empathy possess mirror neurons, like humans.

What are Islamic genies called?


Who is the father of devil?

Khabis was the father of Iblis. Khabis' father was the king of the Jinns, and his name was Hanmus. Khabis looked like a dreadful lion and his nature too was like that of a lion. On one hand he had the titanic power in him, while, on the other hand he was out and out a sly. He was the supreme leader of all the wicked Jinns. Iblis' mother was Nilbis. She was the daughter of Hanmus, the fifth leader of the Jinns. She appeared like a wolf. Iblis was conceived when Nilbis and Khabis had sexual intercourse in the inferno of Hell.

Who were Satan's parents?

Khabis was the father of Satan. Khabis' father was the king of the Jinns, and his name was Hanmus. Khabis looked like a dreadful lion and his nature too was like that of a lion. On one hand he had the titanic power in him, while, on the other hand he was out and out a sly. He was the supreme leader of all the wicked Jinns. Satan's mother was Nilbis. She was the daughter of Hanmus, the fifth leader of the Jinns. She appeared like a wolf. Iblis was conceived when Nilbis and Khabis had sexual intercourse in the inferno of Hell.

Why do monkeys smell?

Like humans, monkeys possess sweat glands, and regulate body temperature by exuding evaporative fluid out pores in their skin.

Will jinns be in paradise?

In Islamic beliefs, jinn are created beings who, like humans, have free will. Those jinn who have obeyed Allah's commands and followed the righteous path will be rewarded with paradise, while those who have disobeyed Allah and done evil will face punishment.