My Guess the four Girl Knights, well we have Mata Hari, righr.
In Tarot cards there are- surprise- both Male and Female Knights and Male and Female Pages. Both situations existed in the Middle Ages. Female knights were more common in Spain ( Order of the Hatchet) and Italy than other lands. They were without exception, of the Nobility class. Maybe that"s why the best-known Girl Knight had such a rough time- Joan of Arc was a commoner but raised to the nobility by King Charles VII.
The Winter Knights has 384 pages.
Obviously adventure and courage in warfare- knightly attributes. There are both Male and Female knights in Tarot.
Tarot cards date to l45l or so , which was also the year of the Gutenberg Bible, first book printed by movable type. IN the original there were/are 78 cards in the deck and six royal characters. Very (Women"s Lib) there are both Female Knights and Female Pages in many Tarot traditions. If this dated to l45l this may have honored Themsot celebrated Girl Knight, Joan Of Arc, but there were others. Tarot cards almost certainly evolved in Northern Italy.AnswerThe "standard" tarot deck descended from older playing cards (which included what has now become known as the Trumps or Major Arcana). However, the use of cards or decorated stones or leaves predates the earliest cards.
Knights are and were always boys.
They did the odd jobs for knights and were in training to become knights. They were the son's of nobles who showed promise of knighthood.
At first they were pages and then squires.
"Charity Girl" by Georgette Heyer has 304 pages.
How do you talk to the girl in the hay loft at astro knights island?
Yes, many Christians do- it is an occult art and masquerades as Christian- of sorts, the same error is found in Santeria. as a kid I once received a gift of a pack of tarot cards, and was immediatly smitten with the ( Beautiful Girl Knights) Mom grabbed them off me, That"s not Saint Joan, I don:t know who they are- Mommy, who are the Girl Knights? she never gave a straight answer- I never saw the deck again-I also heard her remark about ( devil men). anyhow- they are an Occult habit- indeed habit forming though many exhibit some fine art. better left avoided- certainly not for kids!
The Girl Hunters has 218 pages.