People are often times afraid of things they don't understand - and few people have a firm grasping on the paranormal, leading to fear on the subject. One way to remove the fear is to educate and help those who are feeling victimized or frightened by paranormal activity. Professional paranormal research groups, like The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) exist solely to help educate folks on the paranormal, in the hopes that no one will ever have to be afraid of it again.
Other people may be afraid for specific reasons, such as phobias, religious affinities, or frightening personal experiences in the paranormal. While we ourselves should try to not be afraid of the paranormal, we must also be sympathetic and understanding to those who are - they may have a legitimate reason for their fears.
Some ghost hunters or people who study the paranormal have stated ghosts may be afraid of bells. However, there is not any scientific data that proves this to be true.
Most people are skeptical of paranormal beliefs because there is no "rational" explanation for paranormal activity. Also, people are frightened by the idea that anything paranormal might exist.
EVP. "Some people claim these sounds are of paranormal origin......"
The first two Paranormal Activity movies take place in California.
Whether a person, religious or not, is against following the paranormal depends on their individual beliefs.
Someone with the capability of seeing, hearing, and/or feeling things that aren't really there... or ghosts that are there. Or the show Paranormal State where they investigate people's houses and try to help stop their paranormal phenomenas.
Yes. Some dont believe in it but there is video and people whose careers are specifically about researching paranormal activity.
People are afraid of alligators and apes. People are afraid of anacondas and African rock pythons.
The best statement is that there's no reliable evidence for "paranormal" phenomena. Some are deliberate frauds, some are people who come up with a "paranormal" explanation for things that are in fact coincidences or explainable by normal means.
Theirs 15% of people who are afraid of them.
The people of Salem were afraid of witchcraft.