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Through vampires. Vampire bats are known to suck blood off of cows so people thought they were vampires in disguise. Since vampires turn into bats and vampires are part of Halloween, bats got indirectly pulled into Halloween.

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* For thousands of years, cats have been regarded as mysterious creatures with supernatural powers and were associated with witches and death. It was believed that witches could change into cats; in fact, they could make that change nine times. Some people believed that cats were the spirits of the dead. The cat's pupils - narrow slits in the daytime, but luminous globes at night - linked him to the moon, Halloween, and emphasized his ability to see into the future.

* Bats, the creatures of the night are associated with vampires and the living dead because of their cousins, the vampire bats. Bats are nocturnal and scary and conjure up spooky images of Count Dracula and other creepy villians who lurch about on Halloween to suck blood from their victims and turn them into blood suckers themselves. Well bats r pretty scary to some humans and cat are sometimes to.

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14y ago

because on Halloween people built big bonfires and that magnetizes insects and bats would feast on them and so now bats are a common sight on Halloween bonfires

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