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Rosalia Lombardo

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Q: Who was the girl in the Glass Coffin?
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What was Snow White in when she slept?

glass coffin

Where does Saint Bernadette's body lie?

In a glass coffin in Nevers, France

What are the release dates for Perry Mason The Case of the Glass Coffin - 1991 TV?

Perry Mason The Case of the Glass Coffin - 1991 TV was released on: USA: 14 May 1991 Germany: 26 January 1992

Was Princess Diana's coffin made of glass?

I understand the casket was lead-lined, with a glass viewing window. This was discussed during the televised coverage of the funeral. Addition: Diana's coffin was made of oak with an inner metal liner made of lead. The liner had a glass viewing window.

Was JFK put in a glass coffin for display after his death?

no. But the mahogany casket he was buried in might have had an inner bronze liner with a glass top.

Was Joseph Stalin or Vladimir Lenin put in a glass coffin?

Vladimir Lenin's body was placed in a glass coffin after it was treated with chemicals to preserve it so it would not decay. Joseph Stalin is the one who proposed that against the wishes of Lenin's wife, Krupskaia and his colleague, Leon Trotsky.

When was The Girl with the Wine Glass created?

The Girl with the Wine Glass was created in 1660.

Where is Saint Bernadette's grave yard?

Bernadette is no longer buried but her incorrupt body is displayed in a glass coffin in the convent in Nevers, France.

What was the coffin in which the wood coffin was placed placed?

stone coffin in which wood coffin was placed

What kind of funeral did Jane Seymour have?

She was buried next to her husband Henry the 8th inn a Glass coffin and you can go and visit her in a museum in France.

Help needed in defining magic act Girl vanishes in closed coffin Box is opened-no girl full of flowers tthen scene is reversed-Girl alive?

yes she is alive.

What are the release dates for A Girl in Glass - 2010?

A Girl in Glass - 2010 was released on: USA: 16 July 2010 (FilmOneFest)