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If you are speaking of the European Witch Hunts, there was no one person who began it. The Witch Hunts were based off of fear of people who believed in things that were "strange" and "foreign" to them. This led to accusations and executions of mostly women who were poor and single.

However, a couple of people who did greatly contribute to the European Witch Hunts were Sprenger and Kraemer, the authors of the Malleus Maleficarum. This gave a concept of the witches that greatly supported the already widespread witch hunt.

However, Europe was not the first to bring forth the witch hunts. Socery and Witchcraft have been put into law as early as ancient Egypt and Babylonia.

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The first recorded large-scale witch hunt took place in Europe during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern period. One of the most infamous witch hunts was conducted by the Catholic Church and state authorities in the late 15th century, led by Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, who wrote the Malleus Maleficarum - a manual on how to identify and prosecute witches. However, belief in witches and persecution of alleged witches predates this period in various cultures around the world.

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Do you mean 1692?

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Old Salem, Massachussetts.

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