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Q: Who was dionysus' second mother?
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Who was the mother of Dionysus?

The mother of Dionysus was the mortal Semele. His father was Zeus.

Who was dionysus's mom?

Dionysus's mother is Semele

Who was dionysus second wife?

In Greek myth Dionysus did not have a second wife.

What happened to Dionysus mother?


What was the name of the mother of dionysus?


Was Demeter the mother of dionysus?

No. Dionysus's mother was Princess Semele, the daughter of King Cadmus (the grandson of Poseidon), and Harmonia, one of Aphrodite's daughters.

What was strange about Dionysus' birth?

When Semele, mother of Dionysus, died with Dionysus yet not born, Zeus took out the unborn child and sewed him into his thigh, where Dionysus developed until he was born.

What is Dionysus story?

Zeus is Dionysus's father and Semele Dionysus's mother. Dionysus started as a demigod, living a normal human life and making wine. The people laughed at him. Eventually, Zeus was so impressed of Dionysus that he promoted Dionysus to not only a God, but one of the twelve Olympian Gods.

Is dionysus Persephone's daughter?

Of course not. 1. Dionysus' mother was Selene and his father was Zeus. 2. Dionysus is a MALE god. He is the god of Wine. 3. He is the half brother of Persephone.

Who is the god in Greece which had a mother called Semele who was not a goddess?


Who is the Greek God Dionysus' mother?

Semele - A mortal woman.

Did Dionysus and Ariadne have children together?

Yes, Ariadne become by Dionysus the mother of Oenopion, Thoas, Staphylus, Latromis, Euanthes, and Tauropolis.