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uchiha madara

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Q: Who summoned the nine tailed fox when naruto was born?
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What is the best genjutsu for Nine tailed naruto?

i dont think nine tailed naruto can do genjutsu

Why does naruto not turn into ninetailes?

The Nine-tailed fox seal is designed to call on the Forth Hokage's spirit would be summoned to reseal the fox.

What have nine heads and nine tails?

Nine toads Naruto summoned and Naruto's Jinchuriki.

Who summoned the nine tailed fox?

mandura uchiha

How do you get naruto to turn into nine tailed fox mode 4 on naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 4 tails Naruto nine tailed fox?

u cant turn naruto into the nine tailed fox only one tailed naruto you can turn into the one tailed naruto by presing SELECT

How do you unlock nine tailed Naruto in the broken bond?

if u want to get nine tailed naruto in broken bond u have to beat cursed sasuke at the end of the game and u will get cursed sasuke and nine tailed naruto.

Tailed demands from Naruto?

there are 9 tailed beasts (demons) . but they have been taken by the akatsuki. naruto is the nine tailed beast.

Are there beast tribes in Naruto?

No. There are no tribes in Naruto. There are tailed beasts. (naruto being the nine-tailed fox host) And there are villages.

Does Naruto use the nine-tailed fox after the fight with pain?

No he does not use the nine tailed fox

Was naruto born a the nine tailed fox or was he born and the fox was placed in him?

When Naruto's mother was pregnant of him she was the nine tailed fox's host and Naruto was with it ever since he was existed and then he became the host when the fourth hokage placed it into him when his mother and the fourth died...

Is there such thing as nine-tailed rasengan in Naruto?


What are the nine demons in naruto?

There aren't nine demons inside Naruto it is just a nine tailed fox (Kyuubi).