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Ghosts were first recorded in ancient Greece when a man bought a home that was haunted by the spirit of a slave. One night he heard the shackling of chains but believed it a figment of his imagination. Then he saw what appeared to be a man who was shackled by heavy chains. The spirit then signaled for the for man to follow him, which he did so after being convinced that the spirit had no bad intentions. The spirit lead outside the home and pointed to a patch of dirt in front of the porch. Then in an instant the spirit disappeared leaving the word "Dig" floating in the cool night air. Immediately the owner called the guards which begun digging and found the corpse of a shackled human exactly where the spirit had pointed. Once given a proper burial the spirit never appeared again.

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Are ghosts in reallife?

No. Do not worry about it, ghosts are not real because they are just made up. In reallife, there are no such things as ghosts but some people believe in ghost and some don't. This is quite true, ghosts are not in reallife because of that you watch scary movies or read scary stories doesn't mean that ghosts are real. They are just made up for fun.

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The difference between demons and ghosts is that some ghosts can supposedly be evil but all demons are supposedly evil. Luckily, the thing that ghosts and demons do have in common is that both are not real. Both are made up concepts by humans. There are no ghosts, no angels and no demons.

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Every one has a different apinun I believe that they r made up but think for your self

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When was Michael Jackson's Ghosts made?

It was made in 1997.

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Well, it is just made up there not really playing it

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They didn't. Ghosts have always been here.

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Members of ClubPenguin can dress up as ghosts, but no there are no such thing as real ghosts on club penguin

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"ghosts" are made of ecto-plasm because they are though to come out at night and ecto-plasm glows in the dark

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To help ghost seek his freedom

Do ghosts show up on the Marauders Map in Harry Potter?

Yes, ghosts do appear on the Marauder's Map.

Creaking noises in your house are made by ghosts Can it be explained by science?

yes, it's called your house is settling and there is no such thing as ghosts