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"Mater Lachrimarum", the mother of tears.

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Q: Who is the most powerful witch?
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Witch dragon is the most powerful?

the biggest and strongest dragon.

Who is the most powerful necromancer?

The Witch of Endor, also known as The Medium of Endor, is the most famous biblical Necromancer. As of who is the most powerful, I do not know.

Who is the most powerful witch in charmed?

Wyatt Halliwell, Piper & Leo's son

If The Ringwraiths And Nazguls Were Once Kings Then What Was The Witch King?

He is one of the Ringwraiths. The most powerful of the Nine.

Witch spell is the most powerful spell in harry potter?

Avada Kedavra, the killing curse.

Who is the strongest Avenger?

Squirrel Girl - her power to beat villains off-panel is unparalleled!

Who is the wicked witch in oz the great and powerful?

Evanora (Rachel Weisz) is the wicked witch.

Is a sorceress more powerful than a witch?

No. As both are fictional creations, neither is any more powerful than the other.

Who does the grand high witch admire?

The Grand High Witch admires herself and her power above all else. She sees herself as the most powerful and cunning witch of them all, with a deep disdain for children and a desire to rid the world of them.

Who was the most powerful witch of the wizarding world?

In the wizarding world, one of the most powerful witches was Bellatrix Lestrange. She was a skilled dark witch and a loyal follower of Lord Voldemort. Her formidable magical abilities and unwavering dedication to the dark arts made her a feared and respected figure in the wizarding community.

Who is the wicked which in oz the great and powerful?

there are 2 wicked witches, The wicked witch of the west, Theodora and the wicked witch of the east, Evanora. Theodora is the more powerful one with the green face and Evanora is the one that has been a witch longer than Theodora.

What was the witch called from the Wizard of Oz?

Catch cold is an idiom from the book.