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Q: Who does Stephen date in the vampire diaries?
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What is The Vampire Diaries's premiere date?

The season 4 of The Vampire Diaries will start in September

What is Stephen in Vampire Diaries real name?

Paul Wesley

When does Vampire Diaries return on tv?

September 8th is the rumored premiere date for Season 3 of The Vampire Diaries.

Is paul wesley a singer?

Yes, but not the one who plays Stephen on the Vampire Diaries.

Who is Stephen in Vampire Diaries?

Stephen is a guy who fel in love with Katherine who was a vampire and turned him into a vampire in the late 1800s. Stephen is also damons brother who was also in love with Katherine who turned him into a vampirer in the late 1800s also.

What is the opening song to Vampire Diaries?

It's called "Stephen's Theme" by Michael Suby

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Is Jeremy in the vampire diaries dating bonnie in the vampire diaries?

They did date for a few episodes but then they broke up and it is unknown right now if they will get back together

Will Elena and Stephen get back to gether on the vampire diaries season 2 episode 7?


When is the air date for the vampire diaries episode 21?

May 6th

What date does Vampire Diaries start?

Its meant to return to ITV2 in april...

Does Elena love Stephen or Damon in vampire diaries?

She loves Stephen, but has feelings for Damon. Kind of what Bella feels for Jacob in The Twilight Saga.