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This matters on the person. If they imprint with werewolf then they are more attracted to them. If with a vampire then they are more attracted to the vampire. However some believe it is possible to break an imprint with a vampire although it rarely works.

Personally, I would find the human phase of a werewolf more attractive than the vampire. It is a close call of course but the werewolf/man is actually alive, which makes a big difference to me. If you wish to see the 'good' side of a werewolf check out the movie Wolf with Jack Nicholson.

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Q: Who are humans more attacted to out of werewolves in their human form or vampires?
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Do vampires and werewolfs exist?

Vampire bats are real. Human vampires and human werewolves are not real, they are just made up stories. Vampires are real, and Werewolves are real but vampires and werewolves are not and cannot be real at the same time. They are mutually exclusive realities.

What is the difference between werewolves and vampires?

vampires drink blood, we werewolves don't. vampires are burned by sunlight, werewolves in their human form or animal form don't. these are some differences.

Are werewolves different than wolves?

Well, for one thing they aren't real. And if they were, they would be part human. Werewolves are believed to be humans that turn into blood sucking vampires, furry crooked humans, and maniacs by the full moon. And wolves dont do that.

When GOD through the DEvil and his Angles to earth they mated with human They were born vampires When they mated with wolfs and they attice humans they become werewolf?

No. What you are talking about is the Nephilim. There is no connection between the Nephilim and vampires and werewolves.

What can vampires and werewolves do?

they can't do anything there just like humans but they can survive off human food & blood

What are vampires and werewolves?

Werewolves are animals that are half- dog, half-human. they can either appear in human form or wolf-form. It's hard to describe vampires and say what they are. They have fangs when they are getting food. They usually appear in human form. And they are real, whether you like it or not!

Is Vampire or werewolf most people like?

Well, we both know vampires and werewolves aren't real, but I know what you mean. I would say that werewolves are more human like than vampires. Vampires are death, drink human blood, are cold, react differently to sunlight. Werewolves are alive, they eat the same as we eat, they are warm and react normal to sunlight. Also, because vampires don't age, they won't age or change anything, because werewolves are alive they do age. So I would definitely say that werewolves are more like humans, because they are all the time just like us, except when it's full moon. In stories they can also be described as aggressive.

Do vampires drink werewolves blood when the werewolf is in human form?

Doubtful. Vampires and werewolves do not generally get along. With vampires acute sense of smell they would be able to tell a werewolf whether or not the moon was upon them. And would probably avoid drinking from them.

Why is a werewolves enemie is a vampires?

because if they fall for a human both want to convert them to werewolf or vampire

Can humans eat werewolves?

I suppose you could but it probably would be considered cannibalism (werewolves were human once)

Were vampires real in the 1920's?

Vampires do not exist, they are mythical creatures like werewolves. People who pose as vampires, and drink blood for example, as some murderers have, are not vampires, just disturbed human beings.

What is the difference between a vampire and a human?

* Vampires do not age : Humans do * Vampires drink blood : Humans don't * Vampires can live for ever and cannot be harmed Vampires are fictitious. Humans write fiction.