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Q: Which of the follwing words is most likely a synonym for supernatural?
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Is haunted a synonym?

Yes, haunted is a synonym because it's meaning is similar to meanings of some other words. Haunted is a synonym of all those other words. And conversely, all those other words are synonyms of haunted, too.A group of synonyms are like the apples on a tree. No two are exactly alike, but you can see that each is an apple, and moreover the same kind of apple as all the other apples on the tree. Likewise in a synonymous word group, no two words mean exactly the same thing but all are close enough in meaning that you can group them together and often substitute one for another in a sentence.Haunted is a synonym for the following words and more, depending on context: ghostly, spooky, apparitional, eerie, ghastly, ghoulish, phantom, scary, shadowy, spectral, inhabited by spirits, supernatural, unearthly, vampiricAnd each of those words is a synonym for haunted, too.