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Q: Where did witches live in the 17th century?
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How were witches caught?

witches were caught int he 16th and 17th century by being tested in different ways

How old were witches in the 17th century?

Any age. Even small children could be identified as witches.

How did Cromwell make them look like witches in the 17th century?

who look ?

What were the 17th century people of England scared of?

witches and the spanish armada

How were witches punished in the 17th century?

they were hanged , burned and swimming test

In which century did Rembrandt live?

In the 17th century: 1606-1669.

How common were witches in the 17th century?

There were multiple people said to be witches. They were never proven true or false. There were told to be about 10 witches in a town per year.

In the 16th and 17th century how many witches were found in which locations in essex?

0ver 300

What would happen to witches that got caught casting spells?

During medieval times, they would be imprisoned or killed. As late as the 17th century, witches were stoned or burned.

What did British people believe about witches in the 17th century eg. evil and superstitous?

British people in the 17th century sometimes held the superstitious beliefs that someone could become possessed by the devil. They did not believe that these people were responsible for their actions. Those who made a pact with the devil however were considered to be evil and witches.

What did witches from the 17th century hate the most?

Witches were blamed for stuff like: if peoples crops failed to grow they would blame it on witches they were blamed if there was storms at sea. They were blamed if there was freak weather conditions. And if and illnesses or sudden deaths happened.

What time did the puritan live in?

16th to 17th century