I'm assuming you mean when did the Age of Pieces start.
Ancient astrologers and occultists have the age of Pieces starting in the year 1 AD. Jesus Christ was seen as the icon who ushered in the age of pieces thus the fish is a symbol of Christianity. Strangely most Christians don't know this and some think Astrology is evil. Moses was the icon who ushered in the age of Aires as the story of the 10 commandments where he chastises the Israelites for worshiping the bull which symbolized the age of Taurus. Occultists who still adhere to the old system consider the age of Aquarius starting around 2160. Thus all the talk about the "New Age". Since these 2160 year ages last a long time the influence should be starting now. There was a movement in the 1960s and 1970s talking about the dawning of the age of Aquarius, such as the song "The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius". Different astrologers calculate this differently for the age of Aquarius; AD 2638 (Elsa M. Glover), AD 2654 (Max Heindel) or AD 2680 (Shepherd Simpson). The 1929 International Astronomical Union's defining the edge between Pisces and Aquarius makes the beginning of the Aquarian Age around the year 2600.
Considering each age is 2160 years long that would mean the age of pieces started; in the year 470, 478, 494 or 520.
Its Pisces until the 20th...then its Aries
There are many websites that offer daily Pisces horoscopes. http://www.horoscope.com/ is a good website to visit for your horoscope.
He's a pisces.
There are a lot of great sites where you will be able to find all the latest on your Pisces horoscope. Make sure that you check out the fun sites at http://www.dailyhoroscope.com/Pisces or try out http://www.horoscopes.com/Pisces and see what you can discover for yourself.
Rihanna was born on February 20, 1988. The Sun is in Pisces.
If you were born on May 3rd, your horoscope sign is Taurus.
Feb 1st - Feb 18th Aquarius Feb19th - Feb 28/29th Pisces