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To find information about crop circles, one might check out their local library for the following books; Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders and Mysteries written by Steven and Karen Alexander, Crop Circles: The Greatest Mystery Of Modern Times written by Lucy Pringle.

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Q: Where can one find information about crop circles?
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How do you find crop circles using Google Earth?

A handful of web sites have cool things and special topics of things you can find in Google Earth. Google Earth Hacks is one such web site and can find crop circles with screen shots of the location and a link to jump to it in Google Earth or Google Maps. The Google Earth blog also has a couple of articles on crop circles in Google Earth along with screenshots and related links. Click on URLs in related links below for more details.

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What is the last name of one of the 2 famous hoaxers who created most of the crop circles in?

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What is the last name of the one of the 2 famous hoaxers who created most of the crop circles in England?

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the game? there is a walkthrough link in every level. the hardest one is crop circles tho

What is the last name of one of the 2 famous hoaxes who created most of the crop circles in England?

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You need some more information about any of the circles, or about the relationship between the two circles, to answer this question.

What lighting do you use to make crop circles?

Hopefully, the light of imagination. Those crops are someone's livelihood. If you want to make grass circles in your own yard, that is one thing. But destroying farm crops is vandalism, which is a crime.

How can you find out the age of a tree?

cut one of its stems off and see the circles on it you count all the circles on it and that's how old it is

Where can one find information on Kumuka Worldwide?

One can find information on Kumuka Worldwide on the official Kumuka website. There one can find information and contact details for the company. One can also find information on their Facebook page.

Where can one find more information about culling?

One can find more information about culling on Wikipedia where they have much information on the procedure and how it is implemented. One can also find information on 'HowStuffWorks'.