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Its is true that shooting stars cannot grant wishes on their own. They are like cars, they need a driver to reach their destination. But for me a wish is more likely to come true if you wish on normal stars as well as shooting ones. In the evening when I see the first star of the night I say "Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." Then make your wish. Keep trying and you'll find it motivates yourself to make your wish true yourself no matter how hard. :)

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Q: When you wish from a star will it come true?
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If you wish on a shooting star will your wish come true?

If you believe.

Is it true if you make a wish on a shooting star it will come true?

the is 63.7% chance your wish will come true if you have faith and truly believe in in your wish and you wish with all your heart then your wish will come true its has happen to a lot of people before! so believe in it and it will happen:)

When you wish on a shouting star does it come true?

I think you mean a SHOOTING star! As for whether you wish comes true, well maybe- who can say?!!

Is it true when you wish in a star it comes true?

No. Wishing for something does not make it happen. Of course, you wish could come true simply by coincidence.

What is a saying that goes with stars?

Like this? Star light star bright, First star I see tonight, wish I may wish I might, Have this wish come true tonight.

If you wish on a star will your wish actually come true?

I mean technically speaking, no. But there is always luck they say..

How can your wish come true?

wish upon a shooting star, or go to it really works!

When you wish upon a star lyrics?

When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As dreamers do Fate is kind She brings to those who love The sweet fulfillment of Their secret longing Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in and sees you through When you wish upon a star Your dreams come true

Can you make a wish with a star?

Sure you canAnd that wish will come true if you believe it will!Science says that if we really want something and positively believe we will get it, then unconsciously without realising it, we work towards achieving that goal.So in a way, wishes do come true. But it is YOU who makes it true. You just don't realise it. You will have to be optimistic, because it doesn't work in pessimistic people.Go ahead. Wish away and believe in your wishes.Further reading:How to wish upon a star (WikiHow)________________

What happens if you wish on a star that is not moving?

Well you're wish may or may not come true...depending on weather or not God has planned that wish to come to you! Hope this helps! Follow me on twitter @HutcherJay

How do you make your wish come real.?

There has been two ways that have been told on how to make a wish come true. I have always heard either wish upon a star or when you blow out your birthday candles. I have also always been told to never tell anyone what you have wish for if you do then it will not come true.

What do you say when you wish upon a star?

Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight, wish i may, wish I might..... have the wish i wish tonight... If you don't speak English and can't recite this incantation properly, then you run the risk of your dream not coming true. (That's not to say that if you perform it trippingly off the tongue with a delivery that would charm Olivier and Emma Thompson both, that your wish will come true exactly because of your skill and talent.)