when i wake up and my heart feels scared I pray about it cause that aint nothing but the devil playing around with gods good loved ones.
but my heart fear negative things and i dream of death my heart beats so fast i think that im not going wake but the lord is by my side 100% and i thank him for his support.
soetimes i fall asleep then i fee like i fall down stairs then wake up
how to wake up a arm that feels dead
You're obviously a werewolf
Because it dreams nightmares.
you get scared
caffine speeds up your heart rate
It wakes up like us, when ever it feels like it. Isn't it obvious?
The reason your heart rate increases is because you get scared you may not think your scared but you are and when your scared you heart pounds and increase the rate and as the movie reaches the climax the heart speeds up.
If you have a happy dream you will wake up happy, if you have a bad dream you will be angry or scared.
Well, 5.56% is having nightmares, or not feeling safe. But if you are talking about babies they would wake up because of nightmares, not felling safe, scared of the dark or hungry.
Yes, if you are scared of them your heart will beat faster
When you have a thought your body prepares you for whatever your thinking.Your brain dont know that it is a thought so it gets your adrenaline going so if something happen your body now what to do