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This dream might be a metaphor representing the dreamer's feelings about something very nasty someone said that was difficult to take in.

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Q: When you dream someone throwing up and unintentionly it hit you in the mouth?
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When someone or something is foaming at the mouth, it is usually a sign of rabies. They should be taken to a doctor.

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mouth wash or breath mints

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This dream is a literal image of the figurative wish that your boss's mouth could be securely shut.

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Child Birth Dream Explanation - Childbirth symbolizes delivery from hardships and disease; separation from one's folk and neighbours; comfort; relief; the settlement of debts; and repentance. Also, Frothing at the mouth Dream Explanation - Frothing at the mouth in a dream means excitement, madness or infuriation in wakefulness.

When you throwing up is it like pooping?

Actually, yes. It is the second stage of mouth vomiting. If you shove food up your but, you can have first stage mouth vomiting.

What does drooling in your dream mean?

it means you sleep with your mouth open.

What does it mean to dream you are choking on bobby pins and continually removing them from your throat out your mouth?

This is so strange!! I have the exact same dream. I dream that there are pins in my teeth and mouth, and I'm pulling them out. But it is like a stream the more I pull them out the more that are there.. And I'm terrified that they are going to get in my throat.

What does mean if you dream someone vomit on your head?

To dream that you are vomiting (throwing up) means that you need to reject or discard an aspect of your life that is revolting. There are some emotions or concepts that you need to confront and then let go.

What does it mean to dream that you're being kissed in the mouth?

This is a mild sex dream. Without more information about other aspects of the dream, further interpretation is not possible.