Juan Diego was born in the year 1474 Tlayacac, Cuauhtitlan (about 15 miles north of modern Mexico City, Mexico) as Cuauhtlatoatzin.
There is no record of any children born to Juan Diego and his wife.
Juan Diego was born on July 12, 1474, Cuautitlan, Mexico, (Near Mexico City).
Juan Diego is not currently listed as a patron saint.
Saint Juan Diego was born in Cuautitlรกn, a village in present-day Mexico.
Saint Juan Diego's parents were named Juan Bernardino and Maria Lucia.
Juan Diego is represented by an eagle.
Juan Diego does not currently show any officially assigned patronages.
Juan Diego is not currently listed as a patron saint.
Pope John Paul II declared Juan Diego a saint.
Juan Diego currently is not a patron saint.
As far as I know, Juan Diego has not been officially designated a patron saint of anything yet.
December 9 is the feast of Juan Diego.