The Tropic of Capricorn cannot be seen except on maps. It is only an imaginary line of latitude that marks the tropics.
You don't need a telescope to find Capricorn; it can easily be seen with the naked eye.
Capricorn is visible at night during the summer months (in the northern hemisphere). It's approximately opposite the sun around the end of July and beginning of August.
In Greek mythology, Capricorn is associated with the sea god Poseidon and the goat Amalthea. Capricorn symbolizes strength, wisdom, and protection. It is often seen as a symbol of ambition and determination, representing the ability to overcome challenges and achieve success.
Capricorn (Tropical Zodiac)
Capricorn women Capricorn women
Capricorn is a Zodiac sign. So the answer, I believe, would be Capricorn.
The Tropic of Capricorn is an imaginary line that circles the Earth at approximately 23.5 degrees south of the Equator. It does not have a physical appearance like a marked boundary or visible marker in the landscape.
A tropic of Capricorn is the southern boundary of the tropics that marks the southernmost latitude at which the Sun can be seen directly overhead at noon and it is parallel of latitude approximately 23°27′ south of the terrestrial Equator.
your zodiac will be Capricorn