Depending on when you were born your Sun sign is Scorpio or Sagittarius.
The Zodiac sign for November 9th is Scorpio. Also Snake in the Amerind earth magic zodiac.
The zodiac sign between Cancer and Virgo is Leo.
If your date of birth is October 27, then your zodiac sign is Scorpio. The sign of Scorpio is from October 23 - November 21.Scorpio is a water sign with the ruling planet of Pluto. The symbol for Scorpio is the Scorpion. Scorpios are very resilient. The goal of the Scorpio is to triumph and survive over all opposition. Scorpio is believed to be the most powerful sign of the zodiac.
That would be Scorpio my friend. Scorpio is the sign that dominates the month of November until the 23 of November. You can check out this website to learn more about this zodiac sign by visiting
Emmett's zodiac sign is Scorpio... Just like me!!!!! :)
November 11 is the zodiac star sign Scorpio (October 24 - November 22).
SagittariusIf your date of birth is November 22, your zodiac sign is Sagittarius, but you are on the Cusp of Scorpio. Depending on the exact time of your birth, you may be considered a Scorpio in some circles.Scorpio: October 23 - November 21Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21