In the Chinese zodiac the 8th sign is that of the Sheep. In the Western zodiac the 8th sign is Scorpio.
Gemini is your zodiac sign.
That sign is Gemini.
The zodiac sign for June 22 is Cancer. Cancer is the fourth sign in the zodiac year, and is symbolized by a Crab.
The fourth sign of the zodiac is Cancer (June 22 - July 23).
Born on June 21st, 1976, you would have been born on the first day of Cancer. This would also be considered born on the Cusp of Gemini.
If you're born on June 22nd, your zodiac sign is Cancer.
June 21st 2010 star sign
Lyfe's zodiac sign is Gemini. He was born June 3. 1973.
Born on June 3rd, you would be born under the sign of Gemini.
Gemini is the sign of June 15.Dates:May 21 - June 20Favorite Color:GreenElement:AirBody Part:Arms, LungsGroup:EmotionalPlanet:MercuryPolarity:PositiveOpposite:Sagittarius