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The Christian case against witchcraft is based on the fact that nowhere in The Bible is witchcraft deemed to be acceptable. All knowledge flows from the Holy Trinity, thus witches and witchcraft are products of Satan.

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Q: What was the Christian case against witchcraft?
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Is the practices of European American teachings of Christianity witchcraft or is witchcraft in Christianity?

Witchcraft is not allowed in Christian beliefs. The Christian bible (King James edition) clearly says those who practice witchcraft and black magic will not go to heaven.

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Saint Benedict of Nursia is the patron saint against witchcraft not the patron saint of witchcraft.

What are facts about witchcraft in Europe and England?

One fact is that the last law against witchcraft was repealed in England in 1951.

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they both are against witchcraft

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In the bible it says that witchcraft is against God.

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I am a Christian and I don't play Zelda any more because it is full of witchcraft. Quite simply, the Bible warns us against dabbling in witchcraft or sorcery. It takes our focus off God and the work of Christ, and puts it back on either ourselves or other evil forces.

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None right now, because the laws against witchcraft were abolished hundreds of years ago.

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They were released from jail. This was the case for Abigail and Deliverance Hobbs as well as Tituba.

What is neocromancy?

speaking to the dead or summoning the dead. This is against the Bible and is aligned with witchcraft.

Is witchcraft and wicca against the Catholic Religon?

No... quite the reverse is often true.

What is the pope's opinion on crystals?

I doubt if the pope has any opinion on crystals unless they are part of some superstition or witchcraft and then I am sure he would feel very negatively against them as such things can be anti-Christian and sometimes used as tools of Satan.