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any item which is rial silver and wood sticks

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Q: What traps are used for vampires?
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Did there used to be Vampires?

there is no such thing as vampires!!

What kind of traps pilgrims use?

they used deadfalls and pit traps

What types of traps would the egyptians use to keep out robbers?

they used traps

Who are vampires enimies?

The enemies of vampires are werewolf's because vampires used to eat the people the werewolf's wanted to protect.

Why is latin used with vampires?

Latin is often used with Vampires for two reasons. It is an ancient language and Vampires are often portrayed as ancient and often Latin sounds very ominous and Vampires are supposed to be menacing characters.

What is the most commonly used plumbing traps?

"P" Trap after that would be running traps

What kind of traps did the pilgrims use?

ur mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Where does a trapper usually operate?

A trapper is one who hunts and traps animals. The trappers will operate a number of different types of traps depending on what is being trapped. There are various traps that can be used such as body gripping traps, foothold traps, snares, cages and glue traps.

Which plant pigment traps most of the light energy used in photosynthesis?

chlorophyll b traps most of the light energy used in photosynthesis.

What are some tools used by a mammalogists?


What are used in whaling traps?

harpoons and nets ):

What is a legal and commonly used trap a bell trap a S trap a drum trap or a P trap?

Two types are traps are commoningly used in civilized areas with model codes. P traps used for fixtures and Running traps used for storm or main house sewers