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I used to dispatch for police. Since there is no law against being a light in the sky, the police aren't really the best ones to contact. Try your local airport instead. Although I must admit that whenever we sent people to call the airport about their UFOs the airport sent them back to call us again. There isn't really an agency to call for seeing something in the sky you can't identify, which is all that "UFO" means. Unidentified Flying Object."

On the other hand if you see an undeniable *alien spacecraft* (i.e. it has landed and is on the ground close enough that you can see the whites of their eyeballs) this is not a UFO any more, as it is no longer unidentified (although you may not be able to exactly identity what it really is). In that case, take pictures, call the authorities, contact the media, try to stay hidden (no camera flashes, please!) and at least 50 to 75 feet away in case of radiation or whatever. If possible stay upwind so that while they might get your germs, you won't get theirs.

If they approach you, remember you are representing the whole human race, so do NOT act like a panicky idiot. Introduce yourself, tell them that any peaceful strangers are welcome to visit Earth, try to open friendly and respectful communication. If they want to harm you, you are as good as harmed anyway, so you might as well look good and as a human should. Tell them what you do and ask what they do (a polite way of asking 'What are you doing here!" than to say it that baldly). Remember that an alien is just a person from a long way away; it doesn't mean they are villains or horrible in any way.

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14y ago
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14y ago

1. Take a video of the UFO

2. Take pictures of the UFO

3. Call the radio station to report it

4. Call the police to report it

5. Call a neighbor or friend nearby to be a co-witness

6. Knowing me, I'd probably wave a white flag, invite them down for introductions, coffee, and question the heck out them.

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13y ago

Report it on the MUFON website.You have a better choice of having someone taking you seriously


If you see an alien here are 10 things you should do:

1. Stay calm don't panic

2. Don't approach the alien

3. Don't make contact with it your sighting

5.take a picture if possible NO FLASH

6.note the exact timing you see it

7.after it leaves,look for traces

8. write down exactly what you saw

9. if you take a picture, make it 20 feet away

10. talk with an expert.

That is, if you see another one. If you have already seen one , follow the link.

See related link.

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10y ago

If you see an alien you would freak out or try making friends 89% of humans would run away. 32% would attack, and 14% would try making friends. Aliens are scared of us as much as we are to them. They think we can kill them fast and we also think the same if you ever come up to an alien try running or making friends. If you scream they would freak out and attack you.

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13y ago try to make peace with it 2.if that fails run way quietly 3.if it follows you hide and pray it doesn`t find you 4.if it does find you kill it with anything within your reach

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12y ago

Don't freak out! It's probably a kite, because aliens are not real!

Yes they ARE real.There is nothing you can do at the time,they control your reactions.

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9y ago

I ask you where you are from. Clearly you can understand English, so there will be no language barrier.

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14y ago

By looking.

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Q: What should you do if you see a UFO?
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a UFO See (all the way to the bottom) for help determining when to use a or an before an abbreviation.

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They usually see UFO's at a UFO sighting

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I don't think so. He wanted to 'blow the whistle' on the CIA in UFO coverups. He did not actually see a UFO himself.

Where can you see a UFO in Massachusetts?

UFO sightings aren't state-specific, sorry. You can't just drive out to a specific location and see a UFO. Your best bet would be to simply stare at the sky until you see something you can't identify. Then you'd have a UFO on your hands.

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at night look up in the sky , you will see a green light(UFO) and you will also see a yellow one moving ,(also UFO) and go to that store near area 69 and there will be a fake UFO rotating

How can you see a UFO?

By using a camera

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go to google then type in the song name and then it should appear

Where can you see a UFO?

There is no way to tell when a UFO will be sighted. You have to be in just the right place and the at the right time.

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He claims that he did.

Are you with me when i say that ufos are not real?

I for one am not. UFO stands for unidentified flying object. It does NOT automatically mean 'alient space craft'. If you see something moving in the sky and you don't know what it is, for you it is a UFO. If several people see it and nobody knows what it is, it is a UFO. It's a UFO until someone identifies it.

Should teachers teach UFO in schools?

yes , they should !