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Karma and reincarnation are intertwined, dual beliefs of the same system. The cycle of birth, death and rebirth is reincarnation, and the deeds of each life affect karma, which ultimately causes rebirth. This ends with Moksha, a release from the cycle as a result of leading life according to Karma, which is more a system of balances than one of reward and punishment.

Essentially, one attempts to lead life according to Karmic principals with the goal of eventually escaping the bonds of the temporal (physical) form.

While many spiritual belief systems incorporate some form of reincarnation (rebirth after death), the idea of Karma is intrinsic to reincarnation under Hinduism, and inseparable.

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Q: What religion believes in karma but not reincarnation?
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What religion believes in rebirth and karma?

= Hinduism believes in karma but karma does not mean rebirth. =

What religion are you if you do not believe in god but you do believe in reincarnation and karma?

The answer is Buddhism. It believes in the teachings of the Buddha.

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The people who believe in reincarnation and karma are the Hindus and people in the Buddhism religion.

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Jainism. My world religions class did a project on different religions, and i remember that Jainism included the Karma and Reincarnation.. Aupmanyav adds: Hinduism also connects karma with caste in reincarnation.

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Hinduism. It is a religion that believes in reincarnation. Some Muslim and Buddhist sectors also believe this.

What believes and practices do Hindus have?

Hinduism has beliefs such as The Law of Cause and Effect (karma). Dharma (righteous living) & Reincarnation (punarjanma) , Incarnation (avatāra).

Religion that believes in reincarnation through rebirth?

The Hindus belive in this. The Egyptians also believe in this too

Karma and reincarnation?

Karma is the theory that if you do good, good will come to you. If you do bad, bad will come to you. This belief is very popular among the bhuddists because they believe that everything should be at peace.