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It's an American Indian charm that is supposed to keep bad dreams away.

Dream catchers originally were charms made to comfort children who were frightened by nightmares. The dream catcher consists of a net or web, resembling a spider web, that is woven inside a hoop, and often decorated with beads, feathers and other ornaments. The dream catcher is hung near the child's bed or in the bedroom window to catch nightmares and keep them away from the child. Sometime in the 1970s, dream catchers became popular throughout the U.S.A. along with other Native American traditions favored by New Age enthusiasts. See the link below for more specific information.

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The dream catcher is NOT giving you nightmares. You undoubtedly had nightmares on and off long before you hung up the dream catcher. Nightmares come from the dreamer's own unconscious mind, and reflect the fears, doubts, and insecurities in the dreamer's life. As one matures, one learns not to look for supernatural causes for ordinary events, such as nightmares.

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Q: What might it mean if a dream catcher gives you nightmares?
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What are the most common nightmares?

when i dream of falling i feel the weght and stress of it, so that would be one. being eaten to...ack. anything that would make you fearful, like if you have a phobia u might dream of it

Is it normal to smell during nightmares?

You can experience any of the senses while dreaming. Since a nightmare is a frightening dream, yes you might smell things during a nightmare.

How do you get rid of bad luck if you touch a dream catcher at night?

You need not have concerns about bad luck related to dream catchers. They do not capture or store any sort of luck or fortune, whether positive or negative, but instead function by filtering dreams with their web. The dreams are images, shadows, mists; wishes and fears, hopes and anxieties. By sifting out scary and worried images, the dream catcher helps you sleep peacefully. Touching the dream catcher during the night has no more influence on your luck than touching a window screen or your curtain. > Dream catchers originated in a Native American tradition that supposedly helps children fall asleep. The idea that touching a dream catcher might bring bad luck is not consistent with Native American tradition but might have been made up by retailers or companies trying to sell manufactured dream catchers in New Age markets.

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nobody actually knows if he is real or he isn't real. in the outside world he isn't real but when you dream of him(stupid if u think about it)he might be real in your nightmares...... ily batman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do babies dream about?

they do not have information inside their subconcience to have nightmares. They might dream about a brest full of milk or the such. No nightmares. they have not seen anything horrible to nightmare about.

What type of ghost is this your ghost appears in your nightmares and has not face and the room is always so dark that you cannot see it It always grabs you and it is a recurring nightmare?

This is not any type of ghost at all; it is merely a construct of the sleeping imagination. In other words, there is no "ghost" in the sense of a spiritual being haunting you other than your own subconscious imagining. > If the dream is so dark that you cannot see either a face or anything else, this suggests that you have only identified the presence as a "ghost" when you are awake and struggling to remember the dream. You know that you were very frightened in the dream; you know that there was something in the dark in the dream; you know that something from the dark grabbed you in the dream. So after you awaken and think about the dream, you are naming that something "a ghost." > This frightening presence that grabs you in the dream represents something that you fear in real life. It is a symbol for whatever worries you. The darkness in the dream suggests that you don't really know what it is that you are afraid of... in fact, you could very well be afraid because of that uncertainty. That is to say, you might be dreading that something awful is about to happen because you don't have enough information about what is going on right now. > This might be something secretive or uncertain happening in your family or at your job. Or you might be afraid that your teachers will give you an enormous, impossible assignment at school. It is your worry over this uncertainty that is causing your nightmares. > You can stop the nightmares by figuring out what your fear is about. If it is something in the family or at work, find out what is going on by asking people who are in charge. Whatever it is cannot be a bad as having constant nightmares. If you are worried about exams or assignments at school, ask for extra help. Once you know what the situation is and deal with it directly, these nightmares will stop.

What does it mean if seafood is attacking you in a dream?

This dream is about the dreamer's anxieties. If seafood is not a regular part of the dreamer's diet, the dream might reflect concern about new experiences, or expectations from other people. On the other hand, if seafood is a familiar part of daily life, the dream might reflect worry that one's daily routine is about to turn bad. ... Another possibility: This dream is posted on Aug 2, 2011, the day after a video appeared on the Internet showing a dead squid "dancing" on a plate of food. That macabre video might have triggered quite a few nightmares.

If you have been bad in the past will you have nightmares?

Both children and adults can have bad dreams or nightmares caused by guilt over bad behavior. Nightmares might also be triggered by fear of punishment or retribution.

What would you do if you did not get the food for a day?

you will starve, and might look for food through out the night. You might have nightmares.

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Why might Anne be having nightmares?

Lots of people have nightmares now and then. Anyway, you may want to ask her; or if the problem is severe, take her to a doctor or psychologist.

Is it normal to have nightmares sometimes?

Dreams or nightmares are, well...sometimes unormal and sometimes normal. You know, sometimes, people may believe that dreams are sending you small messages. If you dream that you are falling, that means you are depressed or sad/mad/angry at someone. If you dream that you are flying an airplane, very steadily, and you know exactly how to drive, (even though you don't know/have not learned.) means that you are happy, and driving away from all the bad things that you have encountered. Sometimes, people even dream of thing that they have forgotten. These dreams are called 'Reminder Dreams'. Reminder dreams happen very rarely, and only happen if you have forgotten something, (Sometimes, even when you have forgotten something, you wouldn't have that dream.) And, I ensure you, don't be afraid when you have nightmares.And remember, every dream means something. If there are questions you want to ask me, you can.