The zodiac sign for August 12 is Leo.
Born the 12th of August you are Leo in the western zodiac and Salmon in the Amerind Earth Magic zodiac.
Born on August 15th, you would be born under the sign of Leo.
Your zodiac sign would be Leo if you were born on August 10.
The zodiac sign for August 7th is Leo!!! That's my sign too i waz born on August 1st
If you were born on the 13th of August your Sun sign is Leo.
If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.
if you were born in August you are a Leo. (:
You are a leo.
Born on August 7th, 1985, you would be born under the sign of Leo.
The Bengali zodiac sign for a person born on the English date 25th August 2011 at 12:16 PM would be Leo (Singho) in the Bengali calendar.
Your sign in the Zodiac is Leo.