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A dead frog on your doorstep means that a cat loves you, is grateful for your kindness (food etc.) and is leaving you a gift.

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Q: What is the symbolism of a dead frog at a threshold or door step?
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What makes a creak?

a door a frog

How do you save a dead frog?

If a frog - or any other living creature - is truly dead, it is beyond saving. It is time to bury it.

What makes a creaking sound?

a door a frog

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What side is the RIGHT side of a frog?

Neither is the right side because the frog is dead.

Can a chorus frog eat dead flies?

No. The frog can only see insects that are moving.

What does it mean if a frog comes to your door?

In some cultures, seeing a frog at your door can be seen as a sign of good luck or transformation. It could also represent adaptability and being open to new opportunities or changes in your life.

How could you tell if frogspawn are dead?

Well, actually a frog egg is not living. But, the creature inside it can be. You know when a frog inside of a frog egg is dead when the egg turns brown.

How do you know when frog are dead?

They smell bad.

A frog is dead in the centre of a pond surrounded by ten feet of water on all directions How can the frog get to land?

The frog only needs to decompose, as it won't be able to get to land since it is dead.

Where do they get the frog that you dissect in science?

They get the frog's from a factory and they are either dead or alive. And you just take apart the frog in science. And if you don't want to dissect a real frog then ask your teacher if you can do it on line with a virtual frog.

How will you be able to tell if a dead frog is a male or female?

the females frog will have black eggs in it if you cut it open