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Q: What is the plural of the beleif?
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What is the truth about Raelian cult?

I think it is ones own beleif. They say beleif can move mountains. The raelians would like to beleif what they have been taught. I mean if you beleif what they beleif then it is correct. otherwise it is thrash. The cult is only running on hypotesis without any proof.

An idea thought to be true?


What characteristics do religious groups have?

the beleif in a cwertain god

Does Hoover Dam have a restaurant?

contrary to popular beleif, NO!

Why was the twin towers built?

to improve the beleif in their trade center

What is the Christian beleif regarding the messiah?

jesus christ was the messiah

What is a Jews idea of faith?

the Jewish beleif is similar to others!

The beleif that the us had a god given right to expand its borders?

manifest destiny

Do eating nectarine pits cause high fever?

no, this is a common mis beleif

Why was Copernicus' theory seen as radical?

IT was against the churches beleif that the earth was in the center

Is religion related to sociology?

In a way yes but a better word for it is beleif

Do males have cooties?

No Cooties are a make beleif thing that children make up