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Taurus personalities are reliable and loyal souls who are easy to get along with and make for good team players. As befits a Sign ruled by the Element of Earth, they are also practical and grounded.

If something needs to be done, then Taurus individuals can be relied upon to do it...but it may take a while since it is difficult to get them motivated.

However, once these natives are up and running, they possess a focus and single-mindedness that is a definite asset.

Even more apparent in a Taurus personality is the frequent streak of stubborness.

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8y ago

The Sun sign Taurus is associated with stability and the simple pleasures of life. Commonly people with this sign ( or a predominance of it in their charts) have a self-indulgent quality and a love for all the luxuries in life. They like fine things of excellent craftsmanship. They are often stubborn and methodical, with a great dislike of being rushed for any reason. They can be very patient and easy going. They have commonsense, with a good head for financial manners. They may have issues related to finding their self-worth. Taurus are highly romantic in relationships; very affectionate to friends and family; modest; easy-going; deeply sensitive; loyal almost to a fault. They can endure years of emotional and physical pain without complaining, and this makes them a much stronger person, inside and out. They often over-indulge in food and drink, because they feel the need for sensual things such as taste. They are more practical and smart rather than intellectual. They are also quite honest, usually without hurting other's feelings. But they are quite stubborn, as no one can truly change who they are. They also have the worst tempers of the zodiac if provoked too far; because they are virtually impossible to calm down when loved ones are being hurt. It's also sad but true to say that they are a little boring, only because it's difficult for them to open up and express their true emotions. However, for the most part, they are the ultimate loyal friend, and the ultimate lover. They are generous and thoughtful, yet slow to make decisions because they move at their own pace.

The female Taurus is steadfast and affectionate. She enjoys stability and has no problem keeping the home well-kept and harmonious. She is usually very elegant and sensual, with expensive but very good taste. She favors objects that have value that will increase over time. She is rather old-fashioned in her approach to womanhood. She can be very devoted, and protective, motherly and nurturing. She is very generous and often a romantic. Trying to change her mind once she has made it is a lost cause.

The male Taurus is devoted and sensible. He is down-to-earth and practical. He is interested in the long-run and plans ahead. He prizes security and stability. He is a hard-worker and enjoys providing for his mate and family's needs. He is patient and methodical, with excellent common sense. He may have a good handle on finances, with great business sense. This man often appears very stolid but is quite sensitive beneath the surface.

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12y ago

I'm a taurus female, and when they put stubborn under the Taurus description, they weren't kidding. Once I've made my mind up about something, no one can move me. I'm pretty laid back but when I get really angry(which happens rarely), I flip out! And when I say flip out, thats really an understatement. We are very patient people, and when we love someone we'll really go out of our way to show it... that is if we're certain they feel that way about us too. We usually keep a watchful eye on the one we secretly adore. It also takes what seems like forever to get over them, and every break up is usually very painful! Sometimes we come across shy, reserved, and quiet. I think it depends how comfortable we are, and it also depends on what other planets are aligned in their chart. We like food, and not really picky about much. I'm cool with going to a fast food joint, but I definitely wouldn't turn my nose up to a nice restaurant. We can be really outdoorsy people, but we don't mind sitting in cuddling on the couch to watch a nice movie. We like getting those we love gifts. And love to feel loved. Turned on by touch we wouldn't mind if the guy we're attracted to, 'accidently' rubs up against us. We have a love for music, and a lot of times have very sweet melodious voices. Both speaking voices and a lot of times singing voices as well. We love children, but can be very protective over them. And animals are always nice to have around. We are very creative and artistic types of people, so if you meet a Taurus it wouldn't be a surprise if they enjoy writing or drawing. We're usually introverted, but again it also depends what other signs are in their chart. They're usually said to be slow moving. And a lot of times have very little to say, but that doesn't mean they're not intelligent people. They just don't like to flaunt it a lot of times. They can be very spiritual and religious. Very family oriented usually. And although, their appearances vary, most Taurus women are very attractive. Try to find the other planets and signs in her chart to get a better glimpse into what shes really like as a person. Ascendant signs also tell a lot. I'm a Taurus, but my ascendant sign is Leo, so a lot of times people see me as being a little 'out there' at times. Try to find her ascendant(a.k.a. rising) sign, to understand her a little better. It also wouldn't hurt to find her moon sign, and to see how she is 'in love' and relationships find her venus sign.

A few famous Taurus women are; Audrey Hepburn, Megan Fox, Janet Jackson, Adele, and Kelly Clarkson.

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13y ago

Taurus is the zodiac's most stubborn birth sign. If you try to move them, they'll poke you in the behind with their bull horns!

Aside from that, they're very caring and loving people.

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Stubborn, Emotional, Faithful & loyal friend Strong family bond

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11y ago

According to Astrology the characteristics of someone born underneath the Taurus sign are being affectionate, reliable, ambitious, practical and patient.

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