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natural theory- man's urge towards being a part of a community.

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Q: What is the natural theory of state?
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Which theory is the most natural?

The all-natural theory.

Which is not of Darwin's theory of natural selection?

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Briefly describe tha four most widely held theories that attempt to explain the origin of the state?

The 4 theories of the origins of the state are: 1. The divine right theory - God created the state. 2. The force theory - One person or a small group of people claim control over the population in an area by force. 3. The natural theory - We coexist because we achieve more from operating alongside others. 4. The social contract - The community population and the leader have a contract. The state has power and authority over the territory.

Darwin proposes that all species of the natural world are in a constant state of evolution whereby natural selection plays a pivotal role in the survival of species Do you agree with this theory of yo?

It is not a matter of agreement, it is a matter of accepting the overwhelming evidences in support of the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Is Maryland a lien theory state or a title theory state?

Lien theory state.

How did newtons theory of natural laws affect the theory of natural rights?

the indian constitution

Is Oklahoma a lien theory state?

Oklahoma is a title theory state, not a lien theory state.

Is Illinois a lien or a title theory state?

Indiana is a lien theory state.Indiana is a lien theory state.Indiana is a lien theory state.Indiana is a lien theory state.

What are the theories of state origin please explain?

I believe what you are thinking of are the theories of: * Divine right; * Social Contract * Force * Evolution

Is Virginia a lien theory state?

Virginia is a title theory state.Virginia is a title theory state.Virginia is a title theory state.Virginia is a title theory state.

Who discover the condensation theory?

As condensation is a natural phenomenon as matter moves from one state to another, it was probably always known and observed in the natural world before being applied to chemistry.

Who was the author of natural theory?

You mean the evolution theory? Darwin