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They are called werepire . Usually an equal balance of werewolf genetics and vampire genetics. In some cases, one set of genes will be more powerful, resulting in a slightly more advanced wearpaire. If the vampire gene is stronger or more dominant, the wearpaire will have a stronger craving for blood. If the werewolf gene is stronger or more dominant, the werepire will notice more of an affinity with the lunar cycle. To become a werewolf, you must be introduced to the alien genetic material which will manifest itself within the host. The same goes for becoming a vampire, or have the venom of a vampire enter your bloodstream and spread throughout your body. depending on the amount and the person who has been infected, the change can take anywhere from a few minutes, to a few days. Never in my 623 years of life, have i seen a transformation take longer than four days.

I am just adding my 8999 (almost 9000!) years of life i have seen many werepires like this including me. it doesnt make any difference between the two though you woukd have all of the powers for both ----

wearpaire... They're really rare, though.


I call them werepires. The same term could apply to half-vampires, half- other were-beings like werecats, werefoxes etc, in theory. As "were" is "man" but "vampire" does not split easily, "werepire" is just the simplest term to apply to anything half-vampire and half-were creature.

It does depend on what you define vampires and werewolves as. Apparently all who have lived over 500 years like to remove other people's answers... >.> Has to make you wonder if they're feeling insecure about something.

Dhampirs are half vampires half human half vampire

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klaus' curse is that he cannot turn into a werewolf at night until they do the sacrifice. he is half werewolf, half vampire so the witches cursed him with only being one.

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