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Q: What is the name for a human who does spying and whatnot for a vampire during the day?
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Related questions

How the human became a vampire?

for a human to become a vampire a vampire has to bite to human

In Vampire Diaries does Stefan become human?

Stefan is a vampire, born in the Italian Renaissance during the late fifteenth century.

How does spying violate human rights?

It actually doesn't.

How do you become a half-vampire half-human without a vampire biting you?

Well, one of your parents has to be a vampire, one a human, so when your born your human-vampire hybrid.

Is renesmee Cullen a vampire or human?

Renesmee is half human have vampire

Is Renesmee a full vampire or a full human?

She's both. A vampire from Edward and a human from her mum. She's half human half vampire.

How does a human trun thereselfs into a vanpier?

A human is not capable of turning himself into a vampire. In order for a human to turn into a vampire, he or she would have to be bitten by a vampire.

If vampire bites human then what happen?

If a vampire bites a human, the human may become a vampire themselves depending on the lore or mythology being followed. In some stories, the human will die and then rise as a vampire, while in others they may become a vampire more gradually. It ultimately depends on the interpretation of vampires in the specific story or myth.

Can you be a vampire and still be a human and why?

No If your a vampire your dead which means your more zombie then you are human

Is your sister a vampire?

No, my sister is not a vampire. She is human.

Can a vampire sense a human?

A vampire can't necessarily sense a human, vampires can sense danger. So unless the human was dangerous like a vampire hunter then no a vampire cannot sense humans.

Can some one that has two human parents be a half vampire?

no. it has to be a boy vampire and a human girl as parents to a half vampire