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Marriage represents a public commitment or contract. So this dream suggests that the dreamer has made such a commitment, or entered into a binding contract. Other details in the dream might provide further clues to identify this contract.

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Q: What is the meaning of having marriage in dreams?
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Dreams are about the dreamer. So in this dream, "you" appear as a symbolic figure representing the dreamer's own self. The dream is not about "you" but about the person having the dream. Marriage is also a metaphor, often representing a public commitment, decision or contract.

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Quit marriage after 24 hrs?

yes you are allowed to anull your marriage just after 24 hrs. but y??=you spent out all that money to have the wedding of ur dreams and the man of ur dreams??==as rare as this maybe people will divorce/quit their marriage just after 24 hrs.=

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How does the view of twentieth-century scientists differ from ancient cultures when it comes to the meaning of dreams?

Ancient cultures believed that dreams had spiritual meaning.

What does it mean when you have dreams?

Assuming the question is about dreams in sleep: the involuntary mental images experienced during sleep: everyone has dreams. Most dreams may be random images that pass through the sleeping mind as the subconscious mind sorts through the events, emotions and thoughts of the day. The vast majority of these dreams have no special meaning. Other dreams illustrate or express the deep feelings of the dreamer.If the question concerns dreams in the sense of hopes and aspirations for the future, having dreams only means that the dreamer wants to improve his/her situation in life.