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Latent fears and worries lie underneath our everyday perceptions, as we try to act mormal. The elephant in the room syndrome that no one really wants to talk about anymore. There was a time when this country's politicians fostered the fear of an attack against us and as a result I believe many baby boomers have grown up with this Damacles sword hanging over our psyche. Detante pushed the thought away somewhat during the Regan years, but now many countries possess or are trying to arm themselves. One can only hope that the unthinkable will occur, but as in the past, weapons in the arsenal usually find their way into the battlefield when there are few other options. A little country whose back is against the wall may decide thay have nothing to lose by using nuclear force. The scenario has surely been played over and over in the war rooms of our country's Pentagon. Israel, Korea, Pakistan, India, and perhaps Iran soon all have their finger on the button. One can only hope and pray for disarmament but reality presumes it will not happen.

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