Answer 1: Modern witchcraft (Wicca) is a form of neopaganism and worships the gods and spirits of nature, while Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the concept of a universal God.
Most of the supposed witches persecuted by the Christian churches, during medieval times and for some centuries afterwards, were innocent women who were accused of unChristian activities. In some cases, the clergy accused rich women of witchcraft in order to relieve them of their wealth. In other cases, attractive women were offered the choice of becoming sexual favourites of the clergy or being tried as witches. Whatever practices were performed by the real witches, if any existed, they were holy compared with the Christian churches that persecuted them.
Answer 2: The name of the god they pray to is one key difference. Most Christian's either call their god "God" (invoked one), Christ, Jesus, Yahweh, Jehovah, etcetera- depending on what type of "Christian" you are talking to. Witch's usually never say the name of their god to people from outside their order- many witches die having never told a soul the name of their god. Christianity, under the thresh of the Catholic Church did not arise until approximately the 3rd century CE, yet lays claim to not being responsible for the deaths of the various denominations that came before it via murderous campaigns and that Jesus was a Catholic.
The main difference between Messianic Jews and other Jews is that Messianic Jews is a merger between evangelical Christianity with elements of Judaism. It is a new religion, developed in the 1960's.
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There is no difference.
Islam began when the Prophet Muhammad received a vision from God, encouraging him to spread a divergent system of beliefs. The main difference between Christianity and Islam is that Muslims don't believe that Jesus was the son of God. However, unlike Judaism, they do believe he was a prophet divinely gifted by God. Beyond that, Muslims and Christians have many of the same central beliefs.
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The main text of Christianity is the Bible.
there is one hour difference
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The main branches of Christianity are Protestantism and Catholicism.
Jesus is The main person and study in christianity.