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one is lead by a scented candle the other is lead by Tom Cruise

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Q: What is the difference between Wicca and Science of Mind?
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What is the difference of science and health?

The difference between science and health is science defines our needs to life and health is a specific need we must understand and need to live.

What is the ISBN of The Science of Mind?

The ISBN of The Science of Mind is 9780874779219.

When was The Science of Mind created?

The Science of Mind was created in 1926.

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What is the difference between a photographic memory and eidetic imagery?

A person with an eidetic memory mentally reproduces images or scenes in his mind so vividly, that his mind doesn't notice the difference between it and reality, whereas people with a photographic memory can tell the difference.

When was Science of Mind - magazine - created?

Science of Mind - magazine - was created in 1927.

What is the difference between never mind it does not matter and it's nothing?

never mind - dont worry about it, does not matter and its nothing - not important,

What is the difference between term and idea?

idea-if it is only in the mind and not perceptible by senses term-if you write or say it and perceptible by the mind

The difference between intuitive thinking and logical thinking?

The Difference is Logical Is with your head, Intuative is with your heart. Which is Mind over Heart.

What is difference in value between intellectual and sensual pleasures?

intellectual is of the mind, sensual is of the body

What is the difference between 'do you mind ' and would you mind?

'Do you mind' is often used as an expression to show that you don't like something. 'Would you mind' may be used as part of a question. Example:- "Would you mind helping me with my homework?"